
Monday 14 January 2019

Treating Coeliac Disease With CBD Oil

What is Coeliac's Disease?

Over time, the immune reaction to eating gluten can create
 inflammation that damages the small intestine's lining,

 leading to medical complications. '
It also prevents absorption of some nutrients
 (malabsorption).symptoms of Celiac's Disease?Pain areas: in the abdomen or jointsPain types: can be burning in the chestGastrointestinal: belching, diarrhea, fat in stool,
 indigestion, nausea, vomiting, or flatulenceWhole body: bone loss, fatigue, or malnutritionDevelopmental: delayed puberty or slow growthAlso common: cramping, itching, lactose intolerance,
 skin rash, or weight loss
This sufferer, (to be known as Leslie*) has a story to tell; about a lifetime battle
with Coeliac Disease and how CBD Oil has helped to attain a “normal life”.
It is inspiring that CBD oil can treat so many diseases. I’m hoping others
with this disease will try CBD oil also.

Leslie says:
“I’ve been hesitant to share my story ,as it is extremely embarrassing for me to do so. I have
suffered from Celiac disease since I was a baby. I'm 42 now. Celiac is an autoimmune disease.
The wonderful side effects include diarrhea every time you eat (for the most part) passing gas
all day, vomiting. Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea at the same time! Brain fog, anxiety,
aches and pains, stunted growth, you name it .. I have the symptom, in fact 216 of them out
of 240. As a child, I was poked and prodded. I was given growth hormone injections from
age 7-13 twice a week. Because I was very tiny, KU MED diagnosed me with Growth Hormone Syndrome (I believe now it was only celiac). I've been made to sit still in my chair at school,
not allowed to use the restroom because I "went too much." We all know the feeling when
you're about to sh*t yourself, well I suffered that daily. Flash forward to my adult years.
I finally was correctly diagnosed at age 39. I went completely gluten-free but still had the
above symptoms every day. I was keeping plastic bags in my purse/bathroom because I was
getting sick every day. Every day of my life, I feel I have suffered, in one way or another.
With a lot of convincing from my daughter, I tried CBD oil. I am scared of medicine because
of my medical history, and I rarely even take “Aleve” (NSAID. I had tried marijuana at 16 and absolutely hated it. I was scared I would feel that way with CBD oil.
Here's God's honest truth: since day 2 of taking 500mg 2 times a day 5drops in am/pm ..
my life has drastically changed. I use the restroom ONCE a day, no more vomiting,
not even one time. Brain fog has lifted. I'm so calm. Ulcer pain has vanished.
Aches and pains GONE! Racing to the bathroom GONE... I will never go back
to being so sick. ..Ever. I'm crying writing this because dealing with this disease
has been so draining and embarrassing! Who wants those symptoms?
Not me! And now they are gone. Like no more.
Poof. I am normal. My celiac is in remission. I've lost 10 lbs in the 8 weeks
I've been on it because my stomach lining is HEALING. My energy is up.
I am happy. No more acid reflux, insomnia is better, I'm on my road to a better me.
Thousands and thousands of dollars worth of
procedures and medication being pumped into me and none of it helped .
10 drops of CBD oil has been my saving grace for this HORRIBLE disease.
My quality of life has improved and I owe it all to CBD oil.”
NB: This is an experience shared; not medical advice.

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